A lot of Christians never discover their full potential. Jesus wants to live through us. But we limit Him because of our thinking, doubts, living in the flesh.
In this message learn how to live in the supernatural and no longer in your self effort, but in faith. It's time to get out of your limitations. The limitless Holy Spirit has come to live in us (Romans 8:2 NASB)
We have to make a decision every day. What atmosphere are you bringing over your life. If your heart and soul is not well, where did you depart from the spirit of life? You’ve allowed the law of death get on you. You walk around and you don’t feel good. You’re a born again believer but you feel uneasy.
A lot of us have lost our witness & we’ve started to look to other things to replace the witness of life and source of life. (Psalm 51:10-12 NASB)
You choose one or the other. You cannot mix grace and self effort.
You have to get rid of the old things and break the mold.
“You cannot mix grace and self effort.”